Sunday, November 19, 2006

MIA again

I am not sure why I have had such a mental block against blogging again this week. Every night I have good intentions and plan something to post, but I always get distracted.

So on that note, here are a few stitching things...

Here is this weeks progress on Woodland fairy. I plan on spending a ton of time working on her over the next few days. Wish me like on trying to finish her up by the end of the Thanksgiving weekend.

And here is my M9. I unfortunatly did not reach my goals on this one for the weekend. I still hope to have part nine done by the end of the month which is quite doable. I only have one swirly thing and five sections worth of beading to do. Instead of working on this, I actually did a lot of work on some exchanges. I hope to get one of them out in the mail on Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Good luck on getting Woodland Fairy done by Thanksgiving. I think you can do it. :)

Carol said...

Woodland Fairy is almost there now, and I am so looking forward to your finish - M9 looks great! I'm not overly enthused with mine right now either... nice to hear from you again :-)

Shelleen said...

they are both so colorful and beautiful

Dawn T. said...

Woodland Fairy looks great. Good luck with getting her finished over the weekend. M9 looks great too!

Andrea said...

Your WIPs look great. Good luck with Woodland Fairy, I'm sure you will manage your goal.

Take care.

Dani - tkdchick said...

M9 looks wonderful!