But I did manage to get a fair amount of stitching done. I am almost done with the first installment of Mystery IX. All the cross stitch is done. I just have a teeny bit of backstitch and about a third of the beads left. I am not sure if I will get it done before the next part comes out. I really want to stitch on all my rotation pieces this week.

I also spent a little time stitching on my magazine lily. For some reason this piece just does not photograph well, but here is what I have done so far. It still looks like a white blob.

Yeah, but it's a white blob that's going to be growing into a stunning piece of work eventually :)) Mystery IX is looking good too - can't wait to see what Martina sends out next month :)
Your mystery is looking good! I just love the colours Martina uses. Can't wait to see what your little blob ends up looking like!
Mystery IX looks great! You are ahead of me - I didn't bead mine - I figure on waiting on that... maybe until the end or when I am bored someday :-) I fear getting them caught, but that is only my little ole opinion :-)
Your mystery piece is lovely!
Looking great, Leslie :)
The white blob is a nice looking blob and it's growing!...LOL~ WE all know how BEEutiful your lillies will be eventually :)
Thanks for sharing with us :)
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