Sunday, January 07, 2007

An Almost Finish and a Dirty Kitty

Today should have been a M9 day, but when I woke up I was very indecisive about what I wanted to do. I consulted with Allen and he said I should work on whatever I was closest to finishing. So, I got some more good work done on Christmas Fairy. She will most certainly be finished on Wednesday night now. The only problem was that I was about five stitches short on floss for the main color in the wings, Crescent Colors-Cloud. I subsidized with with some white DMC. At least it blends in well. All that is left is the outer border of the wing and the beading.

On the kitty front, while Allen and I were watching season 2 of the Office last night, Cooper came down in to the family room trying to look all cool and such. The only catch in his attempt at coolness was the giant dust bunny sitting on his forhead. He was blissfully unaware of this fact and wandered around and napped with it there for quite a while. I am surprised that it wasn't bugging him. Here are a few pictures of him in all his dirty glory:) What a goof!! I am still trying to figure out where he found this lovely friend.


Schokti said...

So close! She looks awesome so far, Leslie.

Thanks for the chuckle. Cooper certainly looks like he really doesn't care - and if these photos to ever leak, he would deny everything!

Needlearts Kelly said...

Your Christmas Elf is adorable and your French Garden Mystery is beautiful - but I'm really looking forward to watching your progress on the LTD garden. Great work!

Rowyn said...

LOL, he looks so cute! :0)

Christmas Elf is looking gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Christmas Elf Fairy is looking so pretty :)

LOL at Cooper - our cats often come back home with cobwebs and such all over them too!

Anonymous said...

Christmas Elf Fairy looks great. And I love the dust bunny on Cooper's head.

catandturtle said...

Cooper is such a handsome kitty. He looks very soft. I am a sucker for the black cats. :)

Christmas Fairy is so beautiful. I still have to get this one and start the Valentine one. You have done such a beautiful job on her. Ann.

claudia said...

The Christmas Fairy Elf is very nice. I love the color in her dress.
Cooper is such a cat! I can just picture him strutting into the room looking all aloof...but for the dust bunny! LOL!

Shelleen said...

Christmas Fairy looks beautiful and you are almost done as well. I have a cat that is allowed outside and he loves to go under the house and he will come in with the dust bunnies and act like he doesn't even know it is there.

Anonymous said...

Silly boy, Cooper! He's such a cutie, though. :) Great work on your Christmas Elf Fairy. Can't wait for the happy dance!

Nicki said...

The photos of Cooper made me laugh! He looks like Polo - so tired he's not aware of his headgear! :)

Christmas Elf Fairy is beautiful!

Annemarie said...

Haha, funny Cooper! Your Christmas Fairy is stunning. You must be thrilled to be so close to finishing.

Lelia said...

WOW! You are so close to finishing : ) Your cat photos make me LOL.